Sepero Hacker
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Turning off Wifi Power Management Ubuntu Linux
If you're having trouble with Wifi power management in Ubuntu, Or just want to simply keep your Wireless modem card running 100% all the...
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Friday, September 26, 2014
Samsung Galaxy S5 - Grayscale Test Battery Saving
Yay, the Samsung Galaxy S4 and S5 have a power saving mode that removes all colors and turns the screen Gray. The idea seems to be that this...
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
How I Recovered Lost Tabs In Firefox
Recently Firefox crashed and when I opened it, all my tabs were gone. This is how I got them back. DO NOT CLOSE AND REOPEN FIREFOX! Im...
Friday, April 25, 2014
Solve: SpiderOak error "Gui has already been started, exiting"
Problem: SpiderOak error "Gui has already been started, exiting" Solution: $ SpiderOak --repair
Google Language Services Bash Scripts
I wrote some Bash scripts to easily access Google's language processing services. The scripts cover these services. stt - Speech to T...
Saturday, April 12, 2014
SpiderOak - A Dropbox Replacement With Your Privacy In Mind
A brief explanation of Dropbox. Dropbox is a popular service that allows you to backup files and sync files across multiple devices. A ser...
Thursday, April 3, 2014
White skin hate in denial?
I normally avoid political junk on my blog, but this message I recently received was very interesting. ---- Original message follows --...
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